
June 5, 2020

Everyone Needs a Hero: Why Can't It Be You by Aimé Mukendi, Jr.

Everyone Needs a Hero: Why Can’t It Be You? is an inspiring and an encouraging book written by Aimé Mukendi, Jr.

This book is about the extraordinary transformation of the author from someone who is in love with his own ego to the person that he is today, a motivational speaker, life coach, social media influencer, entrepreneur, radio show host, blogger, and book author.

The author begins by narrating a life-altering event that happened to him a year ago. The event marks the death of something in him and the birth of something else. It is followed by a short story of his early life with apparent emphasis on the role of his hero, his mother.

The rest of the book, essentially, encourages the readers to find their purpose in life and offers suggestions on how to do it. Aside from his personal experiences, the author shares other lessons he learned in his own journey through life including Benjamin Franklin’s 13 Virtues and Earl Nightingale’s spoken word record, The Strangest Secret. The book also features quotes by Abraham Lincoln, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Albert Einstein, and quotes by the author himself.

All in all, this is an encouraging and inspiring book. In this age and time when people find it easier to conform and people live to compete with others, it is a book that may help readers to focus on self-examination, and, consequently, self-improvement.

I find it perfect for young adults. Millennials who know LeBron James, Kanye West, Will Smith, and Kevin Hart would probably relate to the author and some of the things he went through while growing up.

However, those who have already read books by Napoleon Hill, Rhonda Byrne, Og Mandino, etc. may not find anything new from this book.

Nevertheless, I find this book very encouraging and the author seems to be very promising. Congratulations to Aimé Mukendi, Jr. (@SirAimezing) on such a well-written book. To learn more about the author, click HERE!   

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