
January 5, 2019

The Woodspeople by Marc Remus

The Woodspeople is the fifth installment in the exciting and magical Magora Book Series by Marc Remus.

This is Holly’s and her friends’ final year at Cliffony Academy of the Arts. However, there are more pressing issues in Holly’s mind than which independent study classes to take. First, there are those unfortunate incidents concerning one of the professors and the Head of the High Council. Second is her discovery of the Hidden Hill. Third is the horrible condition of the former Unfinished Holly has completed. Fourth and not the least is her search for three Woodspeople whom she thinks survived Cuspidor’s attack and whom she believes can shed some light on the mysterious life of her grandfather, Nikolas.  

While the new members of the High Council are busy finding ways to protect the island from Curspidor’s army, Holly has her own preoccupations. There is Cookie’s suspicious behavior, then a note that leads them to the possible whereabouts of the Woodspeople they are looking for. There is also her discovery of the reason behind Rufus’ too grown-up attitude. Apparently, this is going to be a busy year for Holly and her friends.   

This is the exciting fifth installment and mind-boggling continuation of the Magora Book Series. The suspense and excitement begin at the first chapter of the book and never stopped until the last page. Overwhelming revelations are uncovered such as secret doors and decoys. In addition to the Anches which were introduced in the fourth book, another new creature, Quadler, is featured. The never-ending suspense and shocking revelations make the book a real page-turner. This, however, can be a little exhausting.

Needless to say I enjoyed this book immensely. For a die-hard Magora fan like myself, everything is getting more and more exciting. However, I’m not much into cliffhanger ending but for this one I’m happy to make an exemption. At this point in the series, I’m having mixed emotions. I’m deliriously excited about the ending but I feel somehow sad to say goodbye to Holly, her friends, and the entire fantasy world of Magora.

Congratulations to Marc Remus (@MarcRemusArt) on such a great fifth installment! I’m so looking forward to reading the last book. I’m kind of keeping my fingers crossed, but I don’t understand why J . For more books by the author, click HERE!

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