
October 6, 2018

Roadmap to the End of Days by Daniel Friedmann

The book has ten chapters, three appendices, glossary, and endnotes in addition to some figures and tables. It demonstrates a clear biblical time comprising a chronology of actual history until today up to a deadline for the End of Days in 2240 and events relating to the End of Days.

In order to understand the ‘biblical timeline’ to the End of Days, the author explains first the purpose of our existence which is, ultimately, the fulfillment of the Cosmic Purpose and explicates how this Cosmic Purpose can be achieved and how we can hasten the End of Days.

The book discusses the Seven Noahide Laws and mentions the 613 commandments of the Torah as pertinent to the accomplishment of the Cosmic Purpose. Moreover, the author describes historical events where we have been close to the End of Days but failed to get there as well as the prophecies about the End of Days including The Battle of Gog and Magog and the resurrection of the dead. By presenting figures and tables, the author illustrates the parallel pattern of Creation Days and the coincidences between biblical events and recent historical events.

Overall, this is an academically written, very interesting, very intriguing, and, apparently, well-researched book. However, this is not an easy read. It requires not only familiarity with but ample knowledge of the Scripture. Moreover, the flood of details can be very confusing and disorienting. Finally, I find the premise of the book a little subjective.

Congratulations to Daniel Friedmann (@GenesisandScien) on such a very interesting book! For more books by the author, click HERE.        

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