
October 13, 2020

As The Stars Fall: A Book for Dog Lovers by Steve N. Lee


As The Stars Fall: A Book for Dog Lovers is a heart-warming, touching, and memorable book by Steve N. Lee.

Dog is a stray animal scavenging for food. After being fatally injured, Dog lies bleeding in his moldy box when a young girl comes and rescues him. She takes him home and gives him what he wants most, a pack.

With his human best friend, Dog lives a happy, fun, and adventure-filled life. He has a pack. He has a home where he sleeps at night in his fluffy bowl assured by the sound of his human best friend’s steady breathing. He feels safe.

Just when Dog thinks life can’t get any better, things begin to change, then change again, throwing him into confusion and uncertainty.

Told in third person and in the perspective of a young dog, this is a story of survival, friendship, and love. By describing the young girl’s happiness, sadness, longing, and fear as perceived by the clueless dog, the author successfully depicts the emotions of both humans and dogs. He is also able to compare and contrast the instincts of both species by portraying their behaviors towards various situations.

Basically, this is a great book. It is something that even non-pet owners would enjoy. It is funny, heartwarming, and heartbreaking.

Congratulations to Steve N. Lee (@Steve_N_Lee) on such a great book! For more books by the author, click HERE!